Sunday, May 2, 2010



love is not what you know

love is all in the heart

when you are in love you never think abou what could happen

you only want to be with them

Monday, April 12, 2010

You Know Me

You Know Me

you look at me with that smile
shining so bright its like you know me
you see in my heart and know when something is
on my mind you never let me fly like a bird you are always by
my side with me and by me you are always there when i need you

Friday, April 2, 2010

The path in the right direction

We have a path to follow
And its in the right direction
But first you have to live up to your
Own expectations.

Birds are like humains

we are birds
we fly we survive
and wake up
humians are the same so were
all the same in a way

Monday, March 29, 2010

i'm thinking of you

Title: I'm thinking of you
By: me

I'm the sun
you are the light
now be mine

Sunday, March 28, 2010

you my cuz

Title: You my cuz
By: me

-you my cuz is so deep and free
-when it comes to me you know me
-you understand me you know me
-so well we have a deep conection
-we now when one is lieing
-or when one is telling the truth we
-have a deep conection that no
-one will break