Friday, December 23, 2011


Death always on my mind can’t do anything

Always scared of what its going to do

If it takes over what will happen

If I give it strength will it eat my soul?

It gives me the urge to quit

It gives me strength to burn it

It brings me power and joy

The adrenalin rushes threw me

The dying feeling in my heart

The way it burns in my heart

My soul just dyes

My heart just pumps

Dark blood rushing threw me

Black blood poring out

Evil and death always on my mind

Nothing stopping me from hurting myself

One cut it all goes away nothing

But your blood your mark your soul your heart

All in one message that’s is saying death and just die now

All in your heart and mind just telling you too leave

Doesn’t waste time just leave?

No one loves you

Just leave before you get sucked in

Get out make a cut I don’t care just leave make

Marks on the wall lick your own blood up

Taste the blood that pours out of you

That’s all life is

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Life is just a place full of hate
no one really understands what people have to deal with every day
no one takes time to relize whats its like out in the world
be strong stand up dont show hate towards other people
hold it in lets all just tolerate everybody

Saturday, January 15, 2011

You don't talk to me all day long

you dont talk to me all day
makes me feel like you don't love me
thats a lie i now u love me but it doesn't seem like that
i now in my heart that you love me but it hurts me for not to talk to you
all day long

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

don't change

no matter what people say about you i don't care i love you for
who u are and i don't want you change just cause of what people can say


the sun shines brighter and brighter every day cause
im beside you and i know you not gonna hurt me


you are the reason why i wake up in the morning you are
the reason i have a good day you the reason that i feel
loved every day

can't stop

everytime i think of you the sun gets
brighter and brighter in my heart cause i can't stop
thinking of you